Ian and I left for Atlanta Thursday morning for his post-op appointment. Dr. Williams said everything was healing well and that we could start massaging vitamin E on the scars. We scheduled the palate repair for July 18. After the doctor appointment, we stopped by Grandma's office for a quick visit. Ian needed to see some of his many supporters who had not seen him in person since surgery. We then went to Mama Clydie and Grandpapa's for the night.
Friday morning we dropped my car off at the dealership for a routine oil change only to find out I needed a new timing belt. Just my luck. The earliest they could have it done would be Saturday evening. We looked at prices for other places and decided to wait until later to decide anything. In the meantime, we went to Mama Clydie's school to meet some of her co-workers. Most of them had only seen pictures of Ian, so you can imagine how excited they all were. My husband, who was had his car up for sale, had a man call who was interested and decided to show him the car that night on the way up to Atlanta. The man ends up offering a deal to buy the car the next day. After much deliberation, we decide to sell him the car. That night we meet up with some friends at the Braves game and try to not think about how crazy the last 12 hours has been.
Saturday morning we met with the man and sell the Jeep. This leaves us with no vehicle except the one my parents have so generously donated for the weekend. We were quite surprised at how quickly the car sold, but now this means we really have to buy one. We'd been talking about it for a while, but it seemed much scarier now that we actually needed one. In the meantime, we found out my grandfather has been put in the hospital with a very low blood pressure. Saturday evening we went to our nephew's scout award ceremony. Afterwards we attempted to look at cars, but everywhere we wanted to look was already closed.
Sunday morning I decided it best that I go to the hospital with my mom while my husband went to look for cars. Ian's Grandma watches him while DJ and I go our separate ways. After a few hours at the hospital, I get a call saying DJ found the car he wanted--with the help of his dad. Although I missed being there for the purchase of our first car, I was glad I was able to be there for my grandparents. My mom and I eventually return from the hospital. After dinner with his mom, DJ went home with his new Jeep. Ian and I stayed with my parents until the next day for my car to be fixed.
Monday is not quite as eventful, but I do finally get my car back. Ian, Jaime(our beagle), and I make our drive back home.
Luckily we had the support of our family. Our parents took turns caring for Ian while we had to get everything sorted out. Thank you for all you do for us!